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Office Safety Tips: Hosting a Holiday Party

Your office holiday party is a time for your employees to let loose, celebrate the year’s accomplishments, and relax and bond with their coworkers. As an employer or HR manager, you should also allow yourself to enjoy the festivities. But it’s also your responsibility to ensure that your employees are safe during and directly after your office holiday party.

This doesn’t mean that you have to be a Scrooge and cancel the holiday party altogether, enforce strict rules, or take away the alcohol. Here are some office safety tips to implement in before upcoming festivities.

Office Safety Tips: Hosting a Holiday Party

Review Company Policies

One of the most important office safety tips is to review your company policies before planning your holiday party. As the employer or HR manager, it’s your job to make sure that your gathering adheres to the policies, and that you’re aware of employee conduct codes so that you can enforce them at the event. Likewise, you should review your company policies with your employees so that they’re aware of how they should behave, even at an after-hours work-sponsored event. You should not only review alcohol and substance abuse policies, but also sexual harassment policies, as the alcohol and the relaxed environment of a holiday party could lead to sexual harassment. Follow these office safety tips and your employees will think before they act at your holiday party!

Make it Voluntary

You want all your employees to have fun at your holiday party — but keep in mind that you can’t make it a required event. Some employees may be uncomfortable at an event with alcohol, particularly if they have struggled with alcohol abuse in the past. Some people might have religious beliefs that prevent them from celebrating holidays. You don’t want your employees to feel bullied into participation. Stress to everyone that the holiday party will be a fun event, but it’s completely optional.

Handling Alcohol

Worcester, MA | Office Safety Tips: Hosting a Holiday PartyAlcohol can contribute to safety issues at your holiday party. To lessen your employees’ risk of injury or extreme intoxication, hire professional bartenders to work your event. They can cut off service to attendees who are intoxicated. You can also distribute drink tickets to your employees to limit their alcohol intake at the holiday party. You should also serve heavier foods so that your employees won’t drink on an empty stomach. Try surveying your employees on their favorite holiday party foods so that your menu is a success.

Have Taxi Numbers Handy

At the end of your holiday party, safe transportation should be a major concern. Have taxi numbers on hand so that you can easily arrange rides for intoxicated employees. If your employees brought a sober driver as a guest, make sure that they are actually sober. You don’t want your employees to get in a car accident after your holiday party!

To learn more office safety tips for hosting a great holiday party or to get professional drug and alcohol testing administered at your business, contact ARCpoint Labs of Worcester today at (774) 314-9551.

  1. December 13, 2013 at 3:39 pm

    Holiday parties are a ton of fun, and can create great memories. Remember to be safe and know your limits.

  2. December 13, 2013 at 4:17 pm

    Everyone enjoys a good party at some point. Holidays are a great place for companies to give thanks to their employees, and for everyone to relax. If you plan on attending an event, be careful if you’re drinking. Remember to have fun, but to also be safe.

  3. December 13, 2013 at 7:41 pm

    A holiday party is meant to give employees a way to celebrate together. They can become incredibly fun, and entertaining, but it’s best not to take it too overboard.

  4. egoh
    December 14, 2013 at 7:55 am

    Thank you for the tips. It would be very helpful for my next holiday party! http://egohblog.wordpress.com/2013/12/14/holiday-party-picks/

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